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Wait step 2

  • March 24, 2022
  • 1 reply


Hi, is there a method to make a “wait n seconds” between 2 steps?

Thanks a lot

Best answer by farshid_mashagh

Hello, If your question is regarding One Desktop plans, currently there isn’t a specific step that can be used in a plan to wait n seconds, however depending on the use case, there could be work-arounds. One example is the use of tasks such as Sleep, which can be used for waiting before moving forward to the next step.

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Hello, If your question is regarding One Desktop plans, currently there isn’t a specific step that can be used in a plan to wait n seconds, however depending on the use case, there could be work-arounds. One example is the use of tasks such as Sleep, which can be used for waiting before moving forward to the next step.


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