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We are getting errors in the delta update flow for party and policy master and this is the error message.


“com.ataccama.nme.core.NmeExecutionException: Plan "/opt/ataccama/one/mdm-server-config-" execution failed: runtime.error.sql.instance.processError - Transaction (Process ID 901) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim.”


Please advice if any help can be provided.Thanks !!

Hi @debashishghosh ,

Could you provide a quick overview of the steps in this export plan? Since it is a deadlock error, I suspect it might be related to some custom database operations.

Is it possible that you're updating or inserting into the same table from two different steps within the plan? This could potentially lead to the deadlock situation we're encountering.

Any insights you can share about the plan's logic and database interactions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi ​@debashishghosh I’m closing this thread for now, if you have any follow up questions please share them in the comments or create a new post 🙋‍♀️
