I have a data set created and the query runs fine in a sql editor against my local database. I can deploy the configuration with no errors, but when I go to look at the data in Ataccama One I get Fatal error occurred and click on Details just gives me Internal error. The only thing I can think of is the query is rather long. Is there a max for data set sql? What is the best way to try to troubleshoot this? The error messages are not at all helpful.
I do see some errors, but am unsure what to do
{"@timestamp":"2024-05-06T21:01:12.098098609Z","@version":"1","message":"messageId=RdmRPCUtil-err-msg ","logger_name":"com.ataccama.rdm.server.RdmRPCUtil","thread_name":"http-nio-8060-exec-4","severity":"ERROR","level_value":40000,"stack_trace":"com.ataccama.mdm.be.shared.sql.RdmSqlException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near \";\"\n Position: 4092\n\tat com.ataccama.rdm.dblayer.persistence.RdmDefaultSelect.select(RdmDefaultSelect.java:229)\n\tat com.ataccama.rdm.dblayer.persistence.RdmDefaultSelect.count(RdmDefaultSelect.java:361)\n\tat
there are no semicolons in my sql, which is how I’m interpreting this error
The log suggests that the error is at “Position: 4092” so I'd suggest to find that position in your query and check if there’s and error. You should be able to do this using, for example, Notepad++ (Search →  Go To (Offset) → Position).
There are indeed some properties that might have to be adjusted to for massive queries, but we’ve successfully executed some queries which had ~15000 rows of SQL without making any changes. And if the query size was an issue - most likely you’d see some Timeout related error in the logs, while what you currently see seems to be syntax related.
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