Is there a stdout writer, or anything that can echo output?
This would be the perfect compliment to the Random Record Generator. The ability to specify an input (Random Record Generator) and output (StdOut Writer) without having to use Text File Reader / Writer would allow the help to be much better without having to provide the tutorials (which are complicated).
I want just the simplest hello world example for the Pattern Parser to simply split two words separated by white space (please supply!). But the help is inadequate with too much text and no simple example, and the tutorial example “06.04 Pattern Parser” is far too complicated to decode.
If there was a StdOut Writer then it would be much easier to supply examples in the help. Simply paste the entire xml plan into the help. Each plan would only need a Random Record Generator to create one record, the step being displayed (Pattern Parser) and a StdOut Write to write the output to the console of the eclipse desktop.