Programming Languages

  • 8 August 2023
  • 1 reply
Programming Languages
Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Howdy community!

Today’s post is a very quick thought on some language knowledge that seems to help me when searching for answers about a project I might be working on in Ataccama. When I search online for an answer about an expression, or maybe an error I am seeing, I typically search in the following order. In this example we will assume I want to change a date to a string in a Column Assigner.

  1. I always start with SQL. So my search might be “PGSQL to turn a date into a string”
  2. Next I usually go to JAVA. Same search but with JAVA instead of PGSQL.
  3. Finally (and I usually reserve this one more for troubleshooting), I go to XML. While it might not be super useful for this example, there have been a couple times where searching for certain XML. One example is from another of my post on making a field nillable (able to accept a null value). The way I was helped by looking up XML functions, was that I was actually able to view the XML for the Enrichment I was creating and search it piece by piece, until I found what was happening to my fields. That post is found here: RDM Table Enrichment with Null Value | Community ( What I noticed is that “nillable” was set to false, and needed to be set to true. Once I understood this, I was able to go back to the One Desktop IDE and find how to set this value (though I admit it took a while).

I just created a post on how to see your XML for an online service, so it is still being reviewed, but you should be able to find it under my posts.




Jason R.S.

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Thank you for sharing @Jason.Suptic - I have featured this one on our homepage 🙌
