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Howdy community!

Today’s post is a very quick thought on some language knowledge that seems to help me when searching for answers about a project I might be working on in Ataccama. When I search online for an answer about an expression, or maybe an error I am seeing, I typically search in the following order. In this example we will assume I want to change a date to a string in a Column Assigner.

  1. I always start with SQL. So my search might be “PGSQL to turn a date into a string”
  2. Next I usually go to JAVA. Same search but with JAVA instead of PGSQL.
  3. Finally (and I usually reserve this one more for troubleshooting), I go to XML. While it might not be super useful for this example, there have been a couple times where searching for certain XML. One example is from another of my post on making a field nillable (able to accept a null value). The way I was helped by looking up XML functions, was that I was actually able to view the XML for the Enrichment I was creating and search it piece by piece, until I found what was happening to my fields. That post is found here: RDM Table Enrichment with Null Value | Community ( What I noticed is that “nillable” was set to false, and needed to be set to true. Once I understood this, I was able to go back to the One Desktop IDE and find how to set this value (though I admit it took a while).

I just created a post on how to see your XML for an online service, so it is still being reviewed, but you should be able to find it under my posts.




Jason R.S.

Thank you for sharing @Jason.Suptic - I have featured this one on our homepage 🙌

When would you use the Ataccama language?  Where is the documentation for it?

Hi @TimBrown74, welcome to the community and thank you for posting! We don’t have an Ataccama language, however we have rules, expressions and plans used commonly. I suggest starting out with some of our getting started to Ataccama DQG Guides such as the ones below and use our documentation for any additional explanations. If you have any further questions regarding your use case please do let us know  🙌


 (The first two parts are linked on top of the post) 
