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Is it possible to create a table in RDM that will not keep historical data, just current values?

Checking to see if there is a way to create a “current values only” table in RDM, with no historical records to be kept?  I don’t see any option for this in the documentation or One Desktop dialogs.     

4 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hi @Mr.DQ,

RDM tables are always historized by design. Could you please provide more details about your specific use case for disabling historization in RDM tables?


For one particular table we have no use for history, just current values and would like to eliminate historical record processing to minimize the processing load and storage on the server.   

Thank you 

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

As I mentioned historization is mandatory in RDM. But history values are kept in a separate table, so shouldn’t significantly affect performance of day-to-day operations.  

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

You could of course create an export plan where you use as input the current date, so it will filter the data on the current data. Then export it back into another RDM table. Theoretically, that can work, although it seems a bit nasty. Another method that i would prefer more is to create a view of that RDM entity and add a filter where you filter the valid from and valid till fields on the current time/date.
