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Hello Ataccama gurus---

Has anyone here integrated with OneTrust before? It’s something that’s come up at 2-3 potential projects at different customers recently, and I’m curious of any previous experience people may have nad, or not with this? (What type of data would be kept at each side, methods of synchronisation (assuming API & metadata readers/writers. Any re-usable components available?)



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Hi Mark--

Yes, and no! OneTrust seems to be starting to appear at many customers recently, but seems to be in early stages of discovery everywhere. I’ve not yet found a fully integrated solution to take inspiration from. In terms of how to integrate, the OneTrust API seems fairly straight forward and quite comprehensive, so the solution would be something along the lines of:

  1. Use Ataccama’s tagging features / ML / etc. to auto tag PII and other tags.
  2. Synchronise said-tags with OneTrust using metadata readers and writers at the Ataccama side, and APIs at the OneTrust side.

So the ‘how’ is fairly straight forward, and we’ve done similar things with other products (Atlas for ranger, with Collibra, etc.) before. The ‘what’ is still an open question; From a business perspective which people/personas will use which system, and for what purposes? What data do we want to see flowing between Ataccama and OneTrust, how frequently, etc.? And a bonus question from an Ataccama customer - Can we implement everything we want using Ataccama itself, and not require OneTrust at all? (Probably a deeper question, and looking forward to what will come with v14 of Ataccama in Q1 next year, should they wait?)

Once I have more information about the business aspects of this, and an actual integration in place, I’ll look at having a how-to posting added into the community site with all the details.








Lead your team  forward  OCT 24 / 9AM ET