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Hello all,
I’m using the Ataccama v14.5 there we have created the custom entity for classifications and created the classification types (Internal, Public etc) and added them with tables and attributes through the One Desktop plan. But when i am using the same plan to delete it from table or attributes just by changing the One Metadata Writer property in General tab “workflow state as deleted” and in the Columns tab providing the “Id Column Name as table_id” then it is not deleting anything. Any guidance or suggestions is really helpful. Thanks.

General tab Screenshot:

Columns tab screenshot:


Hi ​@A_N ,

can you please provide more information - what is the relationship between the classificationInstance and the catalogItem? Is it an embedded object? If so, the Id Column Name should contain ID of the classificationInstance object that was created by the ONE Metadata Writer step (you can obtain it with ONE Metadata Reader or from URL when you open the object in the web application). The table ID should be just the parent column.

Please let me know if this helps. If not, could you maybe share the screenshots of the metadata model - the classificationInstance object and catalogItem + the plan you used to create it?

Thank you.

Kind regards,


Hi ​@A_N! I’m closing this thread for now. If you have any follow up questions please don’t hesitate to share them in the comments or create a new post🙋🏻‍♀️
