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Export info from catalog items on web?

  • 30 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi all, is there any configurations we can edit in the page template and/or the metadata model, so that we can (best having a hyperlink or button to) export the content from e.g. the access, data structure or profile tabs of the catalog items? Thanks a lot.

Hi @Kelvin Fong

Let’s break down what you are looking for:

  1. Create a process which will export metadata content from the webapp for a given Catalog Item
  2. Have a button / link within the Catalog Item entity which can trigger the above process for that Catalog Item

We can definitely achieve (1) by creating a ONE Desktop workflow which will take the Catalog Item ID as an input and run a plan to extract all necessary metadata. Once we have the workflow, we can trigger this remotely with a Catalog Item ID passed as an argument. Please refer to ONE Desktop documentation to achieve this or let us know in comments if you need further help with this one.


In order to achieve (2), you can try the following approach:

  • First, we need to create a new entity in Metadata Model which will use Computed Content from Catalog Item entity. Refer to this post for more details. This is where we have to implement the logic to generate a URL (runWorkflow endpoint + variable=catalogItemID).


  • Next, we need to add a new property of type an embedded object in catalogItem entity and choose this new computed content entity as the object. Also, add another property of type delegated scalar and select the previous property and its property containing the URL.


  • Lastly, we need to add a renderer in the page layout for Catalog Items to show the scalar property as link.


Finally, the end result looks like this:

Hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below!

Hi @Kelvin Fong, I’m closing this thread for now, as Abir mentioned if you have any follow-up questions please feel free to share them below or create a new post 🙂


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