Errors in LKP file with multiple columns

  • 20 August 2023
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 2
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Howdy Ataccama community:

Today I am creating an LKP file with multiple columns for the first time, and came across a couple rookie mistakes I was making, and wanted to share the warnings and errors I am getting.

The file I am making is a simple mapping file going from the key to a field “PH1”

Rookie mistake number 1: The file being used to make the lkp is a csv, and I made the assumption the Text File Reader in the lookup builder plan would recognize this from the file type. It did not, it had the separation of columns as \t (tab) still. This created the warning [EHS:SHORT_LINE][step:Text File Reader][line:1] with a row for ever row in my file. To fix this one was simply setting the “Line Separator” field in the Text File Reader to a comma instead of \t.

Rookie mistake number 2: After correcting my first mistake, I was now getting the following error “There were logged 1 runtime warnings and 1 runtime errors.” With the details being “Error sending response” with no info on why. I got frustrated at first, thinking that was a pretty useless error. Then cooled off, and figured that I know my text file reader is correct now, so go to the Lookup Builder step. In the Lookup Builder step I had my Key defined, but no Additional Columns. This is where the “oh duh” moment came. I had only been making lkp files with one column. Since this file has 2 columns, I should try adding the other column as an Additional Column. Voila! It worked and created the lkp file I expected.

Moral of the story: When an error seems useless, slow down, and go to the next step after all the steps you know are working, and really examine the settings in the step after the known working ones.


Jason R.S.

2 replies

Userlevel 2
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I apologize, this should have been set as a Topic and not a Question. If there is a way to modify the type of the topic please let me know.

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Hello @Jason.Suptic thank you for sharing! 

I’ve edited the post as a Conversation / Topic 🙋‍♀️
