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In have a scenario, I need clarifications on:

The project has been configured and deployed with the following golden entity and instance entity details:
employee_name, string
employee_name, string.


The golden entity is related to the instance entity.

After deploying, I need to change the GOLDEN entity column - employee_name(String) to staff_name(string) in the ONE Desktop configuration as well as the GUI label. But I dont want to change the instance entity column name. This should be such that the updated staff_name attribute shows the value of employee_name from instance entity record when a golden record is matched. I am not using this attribute to determine a match.

Can someone please confirm if this is possible?

Hi @Kundan

Yes, this is possible. The contents of the master layer are determined by the merge component (e.g., master_employee_merge.comp). You can define mapping and survivorship rules for your golden attributes within this component.

Please note that from the MDM engine's perspective, staff_name will be a new column. You'll need to run a Reprocess operation to populate it for existing records.

Hi @AKislyakov 
Can you please explain what is meant by a Reprocess? We have git integrated so I suppose whatever changes are made will take effect as soon as git commit is done and we restart the server from Admin Center. If there is some other configuration for Reprocess, can you please help me navigate to the required documentation.

Hi @AKislyakov

I made the changes as mentioned above in this thread and ran a reprocess job post server restart. I do not see the changes reflecting for this. Upon some investigation, I found that etc/nme-model.gen.xml file did not pickup the changes in masters party entity. Is my diagnosis correct? Please suggest if I should look into something else. 

Thank you 

 I found that etc/nme-model.gen.xml file did not pickup the changes

This is weird. Just to re-confirm steps:

  1. You Added new column to the entity in the master model view
  2. Saved and generated the project
  3. Upon generation new column appeared in the engine/<entity>/<master_layer>_<entity>_merge.comp component and you added logic to populate it
  4. Yet it hasn’t appeared in etc/nme-model.gen.xml file, right?

Hi @AKislyakov 
Yes, I did the above and also got the nme-model.gen.xml file and deployed it to the dev instance. Yet, I don’t see any changes in the web-application. For better understanding I am mentioning here all the files that changed and why-
1. mdm/.metadata/md/gui_config/ (added edit permissions on the staff_name column)
2. mdm/.metadata/md/logical_model/master_Model_<master_layer>.md (label name changed for the modified column)
3. <master_layer>_<entity>_merge.comp (populated cio_employee_name value to cmo_staff_name and updated Integration Output step)
4. mdm/Files/etc/gui_templates/mda-detail_<master_layer>_<entity>.gen.tmpl (replaced employee_name column with staff_name column in master)
5. mdm/Files/etc/mda-permissions.gen.xml (added edit permissions on the staff_name column)
6. mdm/Files/etc/ (label name changed for the modified column)
7. mdm/Files/etc/nme-model.gen.xml (replaced employee_name column with staff_name column in master)
8. mdm/Files/engine/export/<full_export>.comp (updated cmo_staff_name column in Integration Input step)

There is one more thing I observe- 
In Reprocess job, subtask   NmePersistentMasterEntity(<master_layer>.<entity>) has been SKIPPED

PS: explanation of file changes in () are not necessarily made manually - a lot of it is a result of “Generate”, I have mentioned the changes only to make sense of which files changed and why .

It would be really helpful if you could give me an understanding as to why the changes might not be taking effect.

Hi @AKislyakov 

I didn’t reload the template files and restart the server again. My issue is resolved and I see the desired changes in web app after doing the same.
Thanks for all the help.



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