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Hi All,

In my incremental table I am having 300K records which when I am trying to load in MDM, the server is getting crashed. Its running for 2-3 mins then throwing the error that “cant reach local host server”. We are in dev phase and using the local server. Some times it also throws the error “Not enough memory to load this page”. How do I fix this issue?

I also saw the post for applying check points in full load but what about incremental load. How do we handle failures for incremental load and how can we optimize it more?

Thanks. Your inputs will be much appreciated.

Hi @fshahin 
You can increase memory available for the server. Open start-mdm-server.bat in a text editor and change the -Xmx512M to a larger value. Given 300K records, I’d start with 2G.


Thank You @AKislyakov. In our project its already defined as 8G but before that we have this -Xms2g. Not sure what it does.



-Xms denotes minimal amount of memory that will be allocated right from the start.

In that case, try increasing the -Xmx to an even bigger value, e.g., 16G. Also, please ensure that you have at least 4-8GB of additional RAM for the OS itself. 
