Welcome to Ataccama’s Community!
In this post, you can find everything you need to know to get started on Ataccama’s Community and how to navigate around here. Can't find what you're looking for? Let us know in the comments or PM a Community Manager. We'll be happy to help you!
Personalizing your community profile 🧑
Add a profile picture and information about yourself to let others know a bit about your interests and expertise.
Click on your avatar in the upper right corner of the community and choose “My Profile”. Here you can edit your profile picture, company, title, a bit about yourself, and where you’re from.
If you have any questions about your user name or changing your email address, please contact the Community Manager or send us an email.
Say hi and get to know other community members on the Introduce Yourself thread
We’d love to get to know you more! Introduce yourself and get to know other members in the community.
Participating in the community
First things first, search before posting 🔎
We have numerous posts created by our members that might be the exact thing you're looking for. Use the search function to see if a similar post has already been created by another member. You can always filter down the results by forums, or topic types.
Avoiding duplicate posts helps us keep the community tidy and search efficient.
Posting (Asking, Sharing, Discussions, and more)
If your search didn't result in any satisfactory results or you have an idea, discussion topic, or best practice to share then please select the related forum on the community to create your own post!
Click on the “Create Topic” button and choose the topic type, forum, and tags. We suggest choosing a title that is search-friendly and describes the content of your post so other community members can find it easily.
When you're ready hit submit! Don't worry, if you realize you've made a typo, you can edit the text by clicking on the three-dot menu.
💡Tip: Creating new posts is a key part of how you unlock our community badges and rise on the leaderboard.
Subscribe topics and Follow members
All our community posts and forums have a subscribe option. Click on the "Subscribe" button on any post or forum to receive an email when there is a new post or a new comment in your favorite thread. You can adjust your notification settings on your profile page at any time. You can subscribe to all the forums from our homepage.
You can also always follow fellow community members by clicking on the “Follow” button on their profile page.
Private Message
On the profile page of a community member, you’ll also find the option to send them a private message. If you have any private information you don’t want to put out on the community or you need support from the community team feel free to send us a PM!
Community tags ️
Tags help organize our content and make search (and life) easier. To help us with the housekeeping please keep the tags to a maximum of three and relevant to the topic of the post.
Forums & Product Updates
If you scroll to the top of the community from any page, you’ll see a few options available to you. Let’s define what those are:
Forums ️
We have a dedicated forum for each of our platforms to share best practices, ask questions, give product feedback & suggestions, get answers, and get inspired.
Updates ️
Here you can follow what’s new, and read our monthly updates. On the Security Advisories page, you can expect to find monthly notices of our maintenance releases. Subscribe to Product Updates so you never miss an update!
Groups are organized by types of people (i.e. Industry, Region, Use Case, Role, etc.) and invite only.
Badges & leaderboard
We appreciate your time and contributions to Ataccama’s Community and we’d like to acknowledge that (and make it fun!) 🎈So we have a whole journey planned for you to collect badges and be a rising star on our leaderboard through your activity on the community.
Don’t miss out on virtual and in-person data events! Follow our events section to check out what events are taking place around you. See all upcoming events here.