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Hello, I’m new with Ataccama and I have a simple problem. I want call a Rest service:

I’m using the JSON Call step and If I put the full URL with my email it’s working, but now I want read the emails forma txt file and I don’t know how to make the url dynamic.

In the step I have 3 parameters:

 URL: Resource  I set it as

Method: GET

URL: HERE IS WHERE i DONT KNOW WHAT TYPE. I have tried a lot of combinations without success

The input file has one column with the mail: src_mail




You can parameterize the URL in the JSON Call Step. You can do so by right-clicking on the URL section and then create a parameter or use an existing one. We have a guide on mapping a property as a parameter in our documentation, search for the “working with component steps” article please. Make sure you are working inside of a .comp as plans do not support the creation of parameters. 

You can then dynamically pass the parameter value using the Template Marks in the Advanced Settings tab of the JSON Call. If you use the default example you can encapsulate the value using the hash symbol. For more information you can also review the embedded documentation about the JSON Call by click the question mark in the bottom left corner of the JSON Call step.





Thank you very much for your help, but now I have other problem.

I have created the component, and mapping a parameter, but now I have other problem. 

In the original plan that call the component how can I map the field of the input file to the parameter?

The field in the file is input_mail, I have tried several options but always pass the text not the value.


Hi, It’s working, I hadn’t used the template marks.



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