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i found below string fucntion. in help document but it will check [A-Za-z]  pattern.

string matches(string srcRegexstring srcStr o, string caseInsensitive=false]) 

In ONE web 13.6, you can use this in condition builder

You can modify this regex to whatever regex you want.


In a non-regex way, I also sometimes use trashNonLetters(ATTRIBUTE_1)<>ATTRIBUTE_1 . If both sides equal it means there were no non-letters trashed, meaning ATTRIBUTE_1 only has letters.

Does this help? 

Thanks for your response and i tried in both ways but it not working .

let me show the input value like  “WinTer   cOMing”.

i tried with 1 and 2 ways but it is not doing string check.


      2)(matches(")^ \f\n\r\t\wa-fA-F ]", UPPER(trim(ATTRIBUTE_1))))




the result is not working .


Lead your team  forward  OCT 24 / 9AM ET