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I want to set up a single general email notification for various monitoring projects. Typically, I receive separate email notifications for each monitoring project, but I would like to receive only one email notification that consolidates the results of different monitoring projects. I know that I am supposed to use One Desktop but I don’t know which steps exactly. I would be grateful if you could help.

Thanks in advance😊

Hello @aysel_jafarzade,

Do I understand correctly that you want to compile into only one email for results of all MP running?
If it is the way, I am thinking of the below solutions that might suit your requirements:

  1. First method is to have MP where you can let it notify you when Monitoring failed or A new version of results is available. In this way you will receive only one email.
  2. Second method is to have one MP and adding all CI you want to run into that MP.
  3. Third method is to use Json call to GraphQL where you can get the information of all the monitoring project and use Send Mail step to send the email. 
  4. Fourth way is to use the One meta data reader to call monitoringProjectProcessing which allows you to  retreive the finish time with processing ID → you can then compile to get the ID link of the notification and use Send Mail step to send the email.

I hope those options will meet your requirements. If you have any questions please let us know.

Best regards

Hi @aysel_jafarzade I’m closing this thread for now. If you have any additional questions please do feel free to share them here or create a new post 🙋‍♀️

Hi @Sharon @Cansu . I created a plan and I want to send the results to email like you mentioned in 4th option. I added SENDMAIL step and run the plan but nothing happened even though it ended as success no email being sent to my colleague. Am I doing something wrong?



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