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How can we write case statements in Ataccama one web DQ rules?

As of now we are writing multiple conditions with distinct invalid statements. I am looking for a better approach rather than going the traditional way.




Hi Mahesh,

ONE Web DQ Rules is actually a giant case statement put in a web form that should be more business user friendly, the principle is:

If Condition 1 is met, then “invalid” (with Reason 1), else

If Condition 2 is met, then “invalid” (with Reason 2), else… (define as many conditions as you want here… until)



If you prefer to use more expression-like language, have you had a play with using the Advanced Expression box in the rule condition configuration?


Within a rule condition, you can also use our case() or iif() functions.

Hope this helps?


Lead your team  forward  OCT 24 / 9AM ET