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How to insert Columns from a Plan to Send Mail email body?

I have created a plan for data quality checks using Data Quality Indicator, and it will produce an excel file which flags each records with error_messages corresponding to each checks, and a summary txt file. Now, I have created  a workflow using Run DQC and Send Mail step. The requirement is to soft code the below values in the email template.

Summary excel file

Below is the email body:

Dear Business Users,

Please find the attached Error Result (Error_Report.csv), which details the records that failed validation and their respective error types.

Total Processed Records(Total): 
Total Error Records(Success_Count): 
Error Types(Code): 

We recommend reviewing the attached file and taking the necessary corrective actions. If you need further clarification or assistance, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,



Hi ā€‹@vishnu .

With the Sendmail step, columns can be embedded into the email by surrounding them in curly brackets, e.g., {count_total}.


Is this what you were looking for?

Kind regards,

  • Data Voyager
  • March 19, 2025

Hi ā€‹@Adrian Anderson, thank you for your help. So, Iā€™m looking to insert the columns in the Send Email task inside the wok flow.
Please see the attachments.

  1. Work-flow
  2. Send Email task


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