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How do I get Terms tagged to attributes to various catalog items in One Desktop?

I need to get all catalog items which are tagged with a specific Glossary Term.

Hi ​@sumisha,

In Desktop when you define a metadata reader for ‘attribute’ (so the catalog item attribute) you can select the desires properties when clicking ‘Map to entity’. Here you can select ‘termInstances’ which can further be defined as embedded entity stream. displayName will give you the related term.

When defing attributeID as Id Column Name for attribute, and as Parent Id Column Name for the embedded stream, you can join on these properties in a following step. It might also be good to filter on a specific catalog item, incase you have many catalog items. In the filter tab you can define something like $parent.$id = '74543024-0000-7000-0000-0000abcdefgh'.

Kind regards,


Thanks Albert!
