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Hello Ataccama Community,

I am trying to export the summary statistics of the DQ monitoring project?   I wanted to have a csv file with the columns like Date of the test results execution, Data_Catalog_Name, Attribute Name, DQ rule name, Data Source, DQ dimension, Total Number of Records, Number of records passed, and Number of records failed.

To begin with I have tried using DQ monitoring projects step in One Desktop and the DQ Monitoring project is failing if I enable this post processing plan. Not sure why it was failing after enabling the below post processing plan. Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance

Hi ​@manidhar 

Check out this best practice post, maybe it can help with your use case. Good luck!  Export Monitoring Project Metedata + Results For Multiple Runs And Versions

Hi ​@manidhar, I’m closing this thread for now, if you have any follow up questions please share them in the comments or create a new post 🙋🏻‍♀️
