Hi Community,
I have created a custom entity with parent type as Term as “Class”. Now when i linked it to the catalog items and attributes using Reference Array writer its showing in my Custom Class section in the attributes as well as in the Catalog Item. But unfortunately i am not able to see it in the occurrence tab of this Custom Entity. Is there any way to add some properties in the Occurrence tab so that i can see the link for custom reference arrays. Any help is highly appreciated.
We have also created custom entities with term as parent, but we can see the linked catalog item attributes in the occurrence tab.
I am not sure what you mean with the Reference Array writer. Do you use a Desktop plan to connect the catalog item attributes to the custom term entity? If so, do you use a Metadata Writer to write to the termInstance entity for that purpose?
When you connect a catalog item attribute manually to a term instance in the data catalog, then do you see it reflected in the occurrence tab?
Kind regards,
Hi Albert,
What i meant was, i haven’t added this custom term in the glossary section of linking in catalog items, i have created a custom section like policy and there i have added it. Now when i am adding it in the glossary section as a term, i can see it from the occurrence tab but when i am adding it in a separate section i am not able to see it like in the screenshot. Any help on this?

It looks like I cannot reproduce this from my end. So Classification is a new section in the left-bar menu and it contains the instances of the new custom entity Class based on term. I have a similar kind of example on my end, but after clicking on the instance (so Confidential in your example) I can see the Occurrence tab, also with the linked catalog item attribute.
I experimented with something similar in the past, I believe the issue for you could be the referenced entity.
If the object you are referencing is Class, you would need to change it to termInstance.
The downside of doing this is all terms will now be selectable in this property.
There is a way this can be reduced by using a list of values that references the terms you want selectable.
I don’t have this in my build anymore to be certain this will show in the occurrence tab. In theory it should, provided the termInstance is used as the reference.
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