Hi Community,
The first posts about the business glossary dealt about applying more term types (attribute and entity terms), and how they get context by adding relationship types. Following posts described an implementation for multilingualism and how to apply computed content. Especially the last one was rather tough to digest, so for my last post about the glossary I promise a soft landing.
I think one thing needs some further attention and that regards synonyms.
Defining a synonym for a term is existing functionality: you can define a synonym by pointing to another term.
This means though that when you want to define a synonym for a term, you would have to define a new term first. For that term you would also have to define its metadata. In fact the new term including metadata would be redundant with the original term. Or would you leave out the additional metadata?
We chose to use a different approach: for a synonym only its name is relevant, as the other metadata would be the same.
So our implementation is
- Create a new entity, named for instance glossarySynonym (initially I used termSynonym, but when upgrading to version 14.5 we discovered that it came with a new entity with that name).
- In entity term define a new property of type embedded object array from entity glossarySynonym.
After adding this new property in the page layout of the terms in the glossary you can add synonyms that are not terms in itself, but simply synonyms. For instance for term Loan you could define synonyms Credit and Moneylending, which would show as follows in the glossary.

Well, this is the last part about possible customizations for your glossary. I hope they inspired you to consider customization of the glossary yourself.
Feel free to share your ideas or comments as well, so that together we can ensure that all the members of the Community benefit from it!
Kind regards,