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MDM records inactive in Ataccama but active in source system - How do I re-activate those in Ataccama?

  • 3 June 2024
  • 5 replies

We recently had a glitch in our Test MDM load, and only 1,000 of the 4 Million+ records came into the MDM from our source system. MDM inactivated most of the 4 Million records (appropriately). However, now that we have fixed the glitch and are pulling all 4 Million into MDM from our source system, it is is not reactivating the ones it had previously inactivated… how can I force a re-activation of those records?

Hi @jebell welcome to the community and thank you for posting!

Could you please raise a support ticket on this? I’ve checked with the team and they’ll be assisting you with this as soon as possible.

@Cansu Thank you for the recommendation to open a support ticket. I did open one on Monday (June 3rd). SR-23471.

Hi @jebell, I see that the team has come back to you on this, please let me know if you need any other help and always feel free to create a new post with your questions 🙋‍♀️

Here are the solution notes from the support ticket (in case others have the same question in the future): 

I’d like to share that: This is most likely due to the source_timestamp field. The MDM system only updates rows if the source_timestamp in the input is equal to or newer than the stored timestamp.

For deleted records in a Full Load operation, the timestamp of the load operation itself is used since there are no corresponding rows in the input.

In your case, the old records are restored in the input, but their source_timestamp values are in the past because they haven't been modified since then. The MDM system compares these timestamps to the stored timestamps (from the time of the erroneous operation) and determines that it has newer data, thus ignoring the records in the input.

Possible Solutions:

  1. Update Records in the Source: Modify the records in the source system to have a newer source_timestamp. This will ensure the MDM recognizes the updated information.

  2. Nullify source_timestamp Column: Set the source_timestamp column to null in the load operation. This will force the MDM to use the operation timestamp, which will be newer.

Important Note: The second approach (nullifying source_timestamp) might have drawbacks if the source data is delivered through mixed modes (e.g., online during the day and batch overnight). In such cases, the MDM might not recognize fresher data from online updates and could potentially overwrite it with batch data.

Please be noted that it is strongly recommended to backup your database before running any queries.

Thank you so much for sharing the suggested solutions here @jebell 🙌


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