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Currently I created a Monitoring Project for a team that has a Catalog Item included called: CI A. They want that particular CI, with applied DQ checks (thus the MP), to be scheduled every month.

Few weeks later the team requested to add another Catalog Item called CI B. They want this CI, with applied DQ checks, to be scheduled every week.

Few weeks later the team requested to add another Catalog Item called CI C. They want this CI, with applied DQ checks, to be scheduled every day.

At this point I'm running the MP every day, meaning it's also running CI A and CI B which don't need to be run every day. I'm told I need to create a seperate MP specific for the schedule in order to seperate this. Having three or more different MP for one team can be very dissatisfying and takes up a lot of space when looking at an overview. Whereas if it's one MP with a builtin feature to have more schedules specific for CIs is where my ideal vision is at (in my opinion).

Q: Is it possible to have one, single, MP with multiple CI's that can run only specific CI's on specific schedules without having to run everything?

Looking forward to answers and maybe insights I didn't know about or overlooked.

Hi @JTH ,


as far as I know, currently it is not possible to define the schedule for different CIs in a MP. I will hand this feedback to our engineering team though, and maybe we already have something on the roadmap.

What comes to my mind as another option (and this really depends on your usecase for the MPs and the version of Ataccama) - could you use DQ in the Catalog Items instead of monitoing projects? Because you can actually schedule the DQ under the CIs. In recent version of Ataccama (14.5) you can also apply DQ checks to attributes in the Catalog Item without the need to have the terms applied. The only downside is the report and post-processing, which are available only in the MP.


Kind regards,


Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately my usecase specifcally is for MP so forwarding this to the engineering team would be greatly appreciated. I hear it more often from teams that they would like the option to run specific CIs inside a MP and not necessarily the total MP. Some teams even give an example of running something adhoc which isn't possible without having to run everything. The reason for MP is, like you mentioned, the ability to have report and post-processing plans.

Hi @JTH thank you for sharing your feedback - we have a community ideas section where your suggestions and feedback are directly shared with our team, you can find out more about the process in this article. If you’d like to create an idea you can share it here 🙋‍♀️


Lead your team  forward  OCT 24 / 9AM ET