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Hi community,

In the metamodel, when defining a relation to another antity of type embedded object array, in the user interface it appears as a very large white area containing one button. We feel that this feature is not in line wth proper user interface design. Therefore I am looking for a way to have this button shown in a way more minimal format.

Does anyone knows if this is possible? A trait or a specification in the page lay-out definition or…?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards, Albert

Hi @Albert de Ruiter, would this help? 

 There is a trait that you can use in the property which will change the appearence of it to this:

Kind regards,


Hi @anna.spakova , many thanks for your hint. I had read the related article before already, but was under the impression it was only about the showing of the selected values. So now I gave it a try. But I get stuck somehow, somewhere. As follows. I have created some test nodes: one that will be embedding values from another node (nodes Embedding object 1 and Embedded object). 

For the property in Embedding object 1 that defines the array I have added property trait valueList:property (without trait properties). Now when trying to open an entry in Embedding object 1 I get the following error:


The original article contains a link to the documentation portal and there I also read “To use this trait with an embedded object array property, it is required to add a referenced object property named target to the entity you are embedding. The target property must reference the parent entity.”

So I changed the model as follows:

Now there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the button is no longer the large pink button in a large white space, but a nice modest button:

The bad news is that when I click the button I don't see the values from Embedded object, but just the current entry in Embedding object 1.

Do you maybe know what I am doing wrong here?

Kind regards,


Hi @anna.spakova , did you possibly had a chance to look further into this?

Kind regards, Albert

Hi @anna.spakova , with the aid of Support it is clear to me now. The solution with the trait that you suggested applies to the List of Values functionality. I have not used this concept in my metamodel so far, so that was the missing part in the set-up. Also the description of the trait (Traits - Ataccama ONE Gen2 Platform Latest) does not mention that the trait applies to List of Values specifically: it just says “…the way arrays of properties are displayed…”. For me it wasn’t clear it applied to the List of Values set-up, because also without using LoV’s you can display arrays of values.

I have requested Support to update the documentation to make that aspect more clear. In your blog you indeed mention it involves an entity implemented as an LoV. I overlooked that part of the text, which obviously is my bad. But because applying the List of Values concept is the prerequisite for the solution that you propose in the blog, for the reader it would be convenient if that is made clear at the beginning of the blog. 

Anyhow, a long outstanding wish of us, finding an alternative for the large space that the ‘array’ buttons use in the UI, has been solved now, so thanks!

Kind regards,


Hi @Albert de Ruiter, great to hear that it’s resolved now and thank you for coming back here to share the solution! Anna has been on vacation recently hence the silence over here 🌴


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