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Is there a function or custom ways to convert strings into camel case on DQS - Data Quality services?

There is capitilize function with following description

Transforms all words in the string srcStr in the following manner: The first character of each word to upper case and all following characters to lower case. A word consists of alphabetic characters (letters). All other characters are considered separators.



Thank you.

The CapitalizewithException() does the same but convers exceptions into lower case 



out_name:’123 capital BLVD’

returns: ’123 Capital blvd’

Is there a function I can use along with this, which would keep ‘BLVD’ as is @AKislyakov ?

Hi @sgilla,

for such case there is an optional parameter leaveExcsAsTheyAre in capitalizeWithException(string srcStr g, boolean leaveExcsAsTheyAre=false] l, string exc]...)

If the parameter leaveExcsAsTheyAre is set to true, the transformation leaves words from exc as they are in the string srcStr, i.e. without any change.


So, you want something like 
capitalizeWithException(upper(pur_city), true, 'BLVD')


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