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Hi Ataccama community

I am trying to do the export of DQ monitoring project the results and use the filters in the export. I a post on this one ONE Desktop: Data Quality Results 🧑‍🔬 on using the filters in the export data. I am able to get the filters extracted using the DQ monitoring project filter values but couldn't get the corresponding monitoring project results using the DQ Monitoring project check results. I am getting an empty file with just the column names in the file in the output file which I have checked the output into a CSV file just after the DQ monitoring project check results step. And I have enabled only one filter in the DQ monitoring project as I read in the community forum that two filter wouldn’t work with this setup.
Are there any changes I need to make the way I am using the filter in DQ monitoring project check results step ? I am attaching the screenshots below for reference.


Hi ​@manidhar,

I remember struggling with these steps for way too long as well. I don't know all you settings and mappings, but in one of my plans I've applied a Filter Step, right after getting the MP filter values, filtering out the #ALL# and null values. I can't remember if this was actually necessary, or I just didn't need these, but you could give it a try. 


