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Hi community 👋

Do you use Ataccama Documentation? If yes, we'd love to hear from you 👂🏻👀

I’m Jelena and I’m the Head of Documentation here at Ataccama. Together with our UX Research team, we are currently exploring how we can enhance your Ataccama Documentation experience and improve our portal and are looking for your input.

We would like to invite you to a discussion with our UX Research team focused on your use of the portal, expectations, and suggestions for improvement. You will also get the opportunity to ask our team any of your questions during the meeting ✨

If you’d like to take an active role in shaping Ataccama and enhancing your experience, join our team for a 45-minute session to share your feedback 🕑To book a session with the team - please let us know in the comments and we will reach out to you!

Do you know someone who might be interested in talking to us? Please go ahead and share the link to this post 💜

Thank you so much for participating, and please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions in the comments 👇

Hello Jelena,

Is this post also about Ataccama Desktop application documentation? I’m using desktop IDE 14.5 and i was recently working on creating some components.
I wish documentation would be more detailed, with examples explaining various steps and logics.

I.e. for Step Regex Matching it was impossible for me to understand how to use the function properly and assistance from colleague from my team was required to understand the function. More detailed example would be: in this step how the field Substitution works. Now I am aware it corresponds to Matching Group from regex expression but its isn’t specified in documentation i.e. to follow naming convention of $0-$n


Hi Szymon, 

Thank you for reaching out! We’re also curious about our ONE Desktop docs, thank you for sharing. 

Are there any other steps that were particularly difficult to figure out? This would help us with prioritizing. If you have more feedback you’d like to share, we can schedule a session to discuss this in more detail. 

I’d also like to encourage you to use Was this page useful? option if you come across issues with our docs (including in-app help, such as ONE Desktop product docs). You can find it at the bottom of any documentation article: if you select No, you can provide a description of the issue. We read all comments carefully and do our best to address what was reported in a timely manner.

Have a great day,


Hello Jelena,

I seem to don’t have that button:

Other hard step would be Multiplicative Pattern Parser. Docs aren’t explaining too much and tutorial that there is for this step is very little helpful. I.e. it doesn’t explain anything about Pattern Groups and I am struggling with escaping some character as it just doesn’t parses.


Hi Szymon,

You can find this option in our online documentation: While we don’t have dedicated pages for steps in online documentation, you can leave feedback on any other article and we’ll process it accordingly. 

Thank you for the details, it’s super helpful! We’ll take a look at how we can improve this and whether some information can be included in online docs instead so you get access to it even before upgrading to the latest version (as we have no way of updating the ONE Desktop help in older versions, only in the upcoming one).

Have a great day,


Is there somewhere we can send our feedback? Or would you like it all posted here?

Hi @ASchmidt thank you for being willing to share your feedback! If you are open to have a short chat, our team will be in touch to arrange a call with you as soon as possible 🙋‍♀️


Lead your team  forward  OCT 24 / 9AM ET