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Hi everyone,


Today we will cover how to use the search function in ONE Web Application 🔍

Whether you're a business user looking for specific information or a technical user executing complex queries, our search engine has you covered. Let's dive in!

There are two areas for search:

  • Global Search: full-text search is enabled on the whole application and is a good starting point for searching entities and locating the area for the future detailed search if necessary.
  • Search in Navigation Sections: combines full-text and filtering capabilities to query entities. Search options are restricted to the currently selected navigation section: for example, using the search bar in Catalog Items will only return results found within that entity and configured areas of search on this entity.

1️⃣ Global Search: Discovering Catalogued Entities

The Global Search is your go-to tool for searching use cases across cataloged entities. It allows users to explore preconfigured entities like catalog items, terms, sources, and more. Here's how it works:

  • Access Global Search by clicking the Search Icon on the top left-hand menu or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K.
  • Start typing in the search bar. Suggestions will appear after entering at least three characters. On the left side of the suggestions list, you will see the entity’s names, while on the right sight - their types.
  • Click on a suggested entity or press Enter to view the extended search results screen.
  • Navigate through the tabs to find the entities you're looking for, such as Catalog Items, Terms, Rules, Monitoring Projects, Sources, or Lookup Items.

You can configure custom entities to participate in Global Search by accessing Full-text Search Configurations in the Global Settings (for power users).

👉 Supported Entities:

  • Global Search works on main listing entities that directly refer to metadata, such as Terms.
  • The flat listing views of the hierarchical entities.
  • However, it doesn't work on entities like the Business Terms tab, as they refer to the Terms tab rather than metadata directly.

👉 Search Behavior:

  • Global Search processes each word separately as a standalone query with the OR operator between them.
  • For example, searching "mail contact" will return results containing either "mail" or "contact."

2️⃣ Search in Navigation Sections: Refining Your Queries

Search in Navigation Sections offers a more targeted approach. It combines full-text search and filtering capabilities within specific navigation sections. Here's how to make the most of it:

  • Open the desired entity section (e.g., Catalog Items) and choose the state of records you want to search (Published, Unpublished, or All).
  • Specify your search request in the search bar. The application will highlight relevant information in the results listing.
  • Take advantage of various filters to narrow down your search within Catalog Items, Monitoring Projects, and Sources.

Note: Power users can configure filters for each entity in the Global Settings.

There are three Search modes available:

  1. Full-text Search:
    • Full-text search in Navigation Sections employs the same technology as Global Search.
    • It can be configured for main listing entities and flat listing views of hierarchical entities.
    • Custom entities can also be configured for Full-text Search in Navigation Sections.
  2. Legacy Full-text Search:
    • Full-text search (legacy) mode is powered by MMM and serves as an alternative when default full-text search is unavailable or not configured.
    • It searches through the names of the current list and cannot be customized.
  3. AQL Search:
    • AQL search is an in-house query language for more complex search requests.
    • Power users can utilize AQL to perform advanced searches and apply various filtering conditions.

What to Do When Initial Full-text Search Is Not Configured: If the initial full-text search is unavailable for your desired location, you have two options:

  • Legacy Full-text Search: This mode uses MMM and searches through the names of entities in the current list. To use it, select "Full-text search (legacy)" in the search bar.
  • Ataccama Query Language (AQL) Search: AQL is an in-house query language that provides basic search and filtering functionality. Select "AQL" or "AQL Advanced Filtering" in the search bar to enter your AQL query.

💡Tips & Tricks for Effective Searching:

  1. Utilizing Filters:
    • Filters can be used to narrow down search results in Catalog Items, Monitoring Projects, and Sources.
    • Configure filters through the Filters widget based on the search results obtained.
  2. Duplicating Found Items:
    • Found Catalog Items, Terms, and Rules can be duplicated directly from the search results.
    • Use the more options menu next to the item, term, or rule, and make necessary changes before saving.
  3. Sorting Search Results:
    • Sorting can prioritize relevant results based on your requirements.
    • Click on the arrow next to available columns to select ascending or descending order.
  4. Searching Hierarchical Entities:
    • When searching entities with hierarchies like Rules and Terms, different views and sorting options are available.
    • Initial full-text search in navigation sections is only supported in the Flat listing view.

Do you have any tips & tricks that you’d like to share with the community?

Happy searching!🕵️

how do i do an exact field search?


For Ex: I have a field named trd_settle_date  - and when i search for that in the data catalog, it is Giving me all fields in catalog that either started with “trd” or had “settle” word some where in it etc.,Because of that, the search is giving so many unnecesary values in the list, and making it difficult to find the right one.

How can i get Ataccama to perform exact match to my search string? If it doesnt find - its OK for it to give me “no items found”


Hi @Prasad Rani I see that Albert has replied to the same question under this post. You can always follow our Product Updates for most recent releases and features 🙋‍♀️


Lead your team  forward  OCT 24 / 9AM ET