Eventually, you might need all your data quality results evaluated in One monitoring projects or within regular catalog items (via business terms and related DQ rules) exported to some reporting system or into excel. And it would be nice if it looked like this:
TLDR; There are 2 components attached you can use to export DQ results, one for monitoring projects, another one for regular catalog items.
Monitoring Projects
The idea is to read all monitoring projects metadata, join it with their check results as well as rules names, catalog item names and voilà, we can save it to excel/csv or to some database table.
It sounds like something very simple, and indeed there is no black magic, but nonetheless component looks a bit more elaborated:
Catalog Items DQ (based on Term evaluations)
The idea is to find all catalog items that have aggregated overall data quality and join them with the DQ rules results:
This component has a bit simpler implementation:
Of course, the output of the components could be and probably should be changed per your own need, which might additionally include term name, for example, or a connection/data source names or something else .
You can come with a plan that calls said components, saving results into a DB of PowerBI/Tableau/Whatever and put it into a scheduled workflow...