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Hello Community,


I use an import .csv file to load catalog item attribute data into OneWeb with a Desktop plan.

The .csv file has the attributes in the same order as they appear in the underlying table.

When these attributes are imported with the plan, in OneWeb for the catalog item I see the attributes in a different order as compared to the csv.

Is there a way to keep the order in accordance with the import .csv file?


Thank you in advance!

Hi @Arno,

there is a property “order” in the attribute metadata model. Can you try to assign the order to the attributes that you want to have in the OneWeb?

Let me know if that helps.

Kind regards,


Hi Anna,

thank you for your reaction. I think you are given an answer for a different problem, or maybe we misunderstand you.

Our case is as follows:

  • I have a desktop plan that imports data from a textfile
  • The text file contains over 100 groups of data. In the file the rows are ordered by those groups and within each of these groups the rows are also ordered.
  • at the end of the plan the data is written to a custom made meta data entity with a meta data writer
  • when I look in OneWeb in that entity the order should be corresponding to the one in the text file
  • so hopefully without the use of an extra order attribute which has to be set and organized.

I hope that makes it clearer for you what the problem is we have?

Otherwise please let me know.

Kind regards,


Hello @Arno ,


thank you for clarification. So you mean the order of the entities on the listing screen? (example for terms, in your case it’s some custom entity)?

Let me confirm this internally. You can specify which attributes will be used for sorting by Fetch rules: I believe this applies for cases where your entity is not indexed by Elastic Search. In case of elastic, you can set the attribute sortable in the Search configuration:,PropertiesandFilters

In the meantime, I can find out for you what is the default sorting of entities without any settings.

Let me know if this was what you were asking.

Kind regards,


Hi @Arno, I’m closing this post for now, if you have any follow-up questions please feel free to add them to the thread or create a new post 🙋‍♀️


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