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Dear community,

In the overview screen of an entity, like the business terms screen, each column has some predefined width. Some of the term names are long and are cut off because the column is too small.

Is there a way to define the width of a column yourself?

Thanks and kind regards!


Hello Albert,

Here are the steps to change this:

  1. Navigate to the page where you want to make the changes and click on the 3 dots in top right hand corner → and select edit page → select the “Layout” tab which shows JSON code for the page.
  2. You need to add a “size” line of code to the template. However, depending on what page and column you are trying to edit it will differ on where to add this line of code. For example in the screenshot below, I have used the Catalog Items page and in the JSON code it shows for the “Terms” column, a size of 160px has been added which can be increased to increase the width of the “Terms” column in the table.


I hope this helps!

Hi Rianne,

Thanks for your tip. I have tried this for a custom entity, where the overview screen shows a couple property columns, like this


  "_type": "",

  "children": {

    "_type": "entity.listing.v2",

    "splitIndex": 6,

    "renderers": {

      "_default": {

        "columns": {

          "product": {},

          "productDataSetName": {

            "name": "Product data set"


          "name": {

            "name": "Product data field"


          "attributeTerm": {},

          "attributeTermBusinessDefinition": {

            "name": "Attribute definition",

            "size": "3000px"







The last column shows the definition of a term, but is cut off at 57 characters. So of this column I want to show more details. But adding the size as above does not increase the width of the column. In your comment you mention that it depends on the type of page where the size should be defined. Should I define the size in a different manner perhaps for this type of page?

Thanks and kind regards,


Hi Albert, 

I haven’t had much experience with custom entities but I can’t see why in your code the size wouldn’t work ☹️ 

I have tried on my side, amending the size from 160px to 3000px and can see that the column width has greatly increased so I am not sure why this would not work within a custom entity. 

This might be where an Ataccama expert may need to advise as it looks correct to me where you have added the “size” line of code.

Sorry I couldn’t get this resolved for you 😔

Hi Rianna,

No need to apologize of course, as I am glad that you took the time to help me! Like you suggest, it is probably best that I create a service request at Ataccama support.

Kind regards,


Hi @Albert de Ruiter I see that you’ve reached out to our Support team so I’m closing off this question. Please don’t hesitate to create another post, or reply here with any additional thoughts later 🙋‍♀️


“The last column shows the definition of a term, but is cut off at 57 characters. So of this column I want to show more details. But adding the size as above does not increase the width of the column. In your comment you mention that it depends on the type of page where the size should be defined. Should I define the size in a different manner perhaps for this type of page?”

Could I ask you if you’ve worked this one out? I am having the exact same problem right now.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,


Hi all,

I have received an update and conclusion from Ataccama Support (the call has been closed last week). It boils down to this.

By using the size property indeed the size should be adjusted. For lower versions though there appears to be a bug. We are on 13.9.4. Support has tested the size property on versions 14.2.0 and higher and confirmed that with those versions the size property works as expected. 

As an ugrade is on our radar this year and our particular case is not too critical I have not requested a custom fix.

@JakubHirs I have kind of missed your question, otherwise I would have answered you sooner.

Kind regards,


Thank you for sharing an update here @Albert de Ruiter 🙌


Lead your team  forward  OCT 24 / 9AM ET