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Hi all,

I have created a new entity in the metamodel, let's say with properties A, B, C and D (in that order).

In the user interface the overview screen of this entity is a list-overview, showing the properties in the same order as defined in the entity.

I would like to be able to adjust this lay-out, like D, B, C and not showing A. Refer to the example in the attachment for more clarity.

How can I accomplish this?

In addition, how can I define a filter on one of the property columns?

Kind regards,

Albert de Ruiter

Hi @Albert de Ruiter, thanks for posting. I see that our Support team has provided you with a solution to list the columns in a different way. I’m sharing this here just in case another community member has the same question in the future. Also for future reference in the latest versions we are supporting this with the updated UI ⭐️

"_type": "",
"children": {
"_type": "entity.listing.v2",
"renderers": {
"_default": {
"columns": {
"A": {
"enabled": false
"D": {},
"B": {},
"C": {},

List the columns like this. The names in the layout JSON reflect the names of properties in the MMD (the entity model). Usually it's pascalCased label of the column header you see on the screen. E. g. nameoverallQuality


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