I really appreciate the commnity helping me solve more use cases and get value out of the investment we made in Ataccama.
Now - i have another area that i need help with.
We have a vendor that drops a file every night - this is not comma delimited and not fixed length. Based on the first character of the line, it decides the format of that line
For ex: if char(1) is - 1 - then the lenght of the file will be 10 characters with first 5 characters as identfier and next five char as status.
But if the first character is 2 - that means it is a different type record (type 2), that has 100 characters in length - and each of them fixed length positions.
Now - when i scan that file through Ataccama, it is thinking the file attributes based on the first row. But is there a way i can give the metadata to the profiler?
And by the way, i need this to be a monitoring project that runs DQ on a demand basis (that i would like to trigger through Airflow when the file arrives)
can some one give me some help - where to start, what to do, things to consider etc.?
Appreciate your inputs. Thanks